Study: Land-based Practice for Indigenous Health and Wellness in the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut
This study describes some of the many health benefits and positive outcomes that can come from spending more time out on the land, especially in supporting youth resilience and wellness in response to high rates of suicide in Canada’s north. This research found that Land-based practice is a highly effective way of supporting Indigenous youth […]
U of T scholar focuses on improving wellness in Arctic communities
U of T Arctic scholar Susan Chatwood wants to find holistic approaches to improve community wellness in the Arctic region. Chatwood, an assistant professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, is one of 17 Fulbright Arctic Initiative scholars, who have gathered in Washington, DC this week to participate in […]
The Arctic Circle Conference
The Arctic Circle conference, which is the largest international gathering concerning the arctic, took place October 7-9 in Reykjavik, Iceland. ICHR were a part of the program this year. Keynote speakers included the likes of Ban-Ki-Moon and Nicola Sturgeon as various parties brought their ideas and experiences to the table, for the common goal of […]
NUNA MED conference and Fulbright workshop in Nuuk
October 1-3, 2016 we attended the NUNA MED conference and Fulbright Arctic Health and Infrastructure workshop in Nuuk, Greenland. These three days included presentations concerning circumpolar health with a focus on Greenlandic and circumpolar health research. Presentations were available in Danish, Greenlandic and English. Recurring themes of the conference included increasing creating opportunities for northerners, […]