The Inuit Traditional Knowledge for Adapting to the Health Effects of Climate Change project (IK-ADAPT) is a transdisciplinary project that combines scientific research and traditional knowledge to inform policy and programming needed to assist Inuit communities adapt to the health effects of climate change.
Working closely with 6 communities across Arctic Canada and knowledge users at multiple levels, the project will examine ways to document, conserve, and promote Inuit traditional knowledge (IK) to help prevent, prepare for, and manage the impacts of climate change on health. The focus on IK reflects the continued importance of traditional approaches to health, where ‘health’ captures physical, mental and social well-being. It also reflects recognition of the importance of IK for climate adaptation, and concern across the North that this knowledge is being incompletely transmitted to younger generations.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Mount Allison University
- University of Guelph
- Trent University
- University of the Sunshine Coast
- Institute for Circumpolar Health Research
- McGill
Photography by: © Mads Pihl VisitGreenland